Poland, Radziejowice
Nowy Dom Sztuki
/Katarzyna Drogosz - pianoforte
/Marcello Gatti - flute traverso
/Ewa Golińska - violin
/Aureliusz Goliński - violin
/Agnieszka Oszańca - cello
About the program
We present the works of composers who sought artistic fulfillment in places other than their country of birth. Johann Christian Bach emigrated from his hometown of Leipzig to London. Samuel Schröter, born in the border town of Gubin, also worked there. It is perhaps from these composers that the young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart got the idea of orchestrating a keyboard concerto with the accompaniment of two violins and a bass. He used this idea when arranging Johann Christian Bach's solo sonatas into concertos. This was probably a kind of exercise in composing a solo concerto, written under the watchful eye of his father, Leopold, in Salzburg between their joint trips to Italy. In the opposite direction - from Italy to Salzburg - emigrated Luigi Gatti, a forgotten today, talented composer who settled in the Alpine city to work in the archbishop's chapel.
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